Friday, January 28, 2011

a.muse on tv?

photo courtesy
Maybe.  I was talking to a very handsome tv producer last night about the possibilities of a television show.  I can't share the details, but in a few years, you may be saying...  "I knew Sue back when she just started blogging, now look at her!"  I promise that I'll remember all the *little* people. ;)  What do you think, can you see me on tv?


  1. I could totally see you on TV, but will you still plan my wedding (when I get a groom of course)?

  2. Do I know that handsome tv producer?

  3. Yes Jenn, you know him well ;)

    Anna, I will absolutely plan your high-style wedding. Sex in the City will have nothing on your day!

  4. Of course I can! You are TV! So am I though! We should have a show. We could drink wine and laugh, I could tell insane stories, you could talk about the DMV and your great love of their long lines. I smell a hit.
