Monday, January 30, 2012

Rules of Party Music

The same way the music in a movie drives the mood for the audience, the music at a party will drive the mood for the guests.   With a few tips, you can set the perfect mood for you guests, too. 

The first think I like to do is close my eyes and imagine the mood at my event.  Is it going to be a young, hip crowd that would enjoy Jay-Z, or an older, sophisticated crowd that would more likely appreciate Maria Callas?  Do I want the room to jump with energy or float with grace?  Once I get the idea in my head, I know the style of music to create that mood.  This is no place for ironic choices or contradiction.  If your guests are expected to come and enjoy a sophisticated meal, you won't want to play Lil Kim.  I promise it will kill the atmosphere and make some guests uncomfortable and want to leave. 

With the type of music you want to play flowing into your playlist, be sure it's long enough for the whole party.  You don't have to rush to the stereo's side because there is a jarring lull in the room that is making conversations stall and guests fidget.  If you are using an itunes playlist, it will tell you at the bottom, how long the music will last.  I like it to be an hour and a half longer than the party itself so I can start the playlist a little before gusts arrive and it can go an hour longer if necessary.  If you're party is so much fun the guests don't want to leave, let them enjoy it for a little longer.  Plus, this gives you some flexibility to skip if a guests asks you to change a song that they are particularly not fond of, without shortening the party.

Now, turn up the volume!  Music it should be just loud enough so that people have to talk above it slightly.  That's the perfect volume to create a fun atmosphere without getting too distracting.  Any softer and guests won't even notice there is music (remember what I said about setting the mood).  

Finally, and most importantly, always have an emergency playlist at all times.  Have some fun, classic, high energy music ready to go in case your party needs a jolt of energy.  I named my emergency playlist "the defibrillator" and it has (to name a few) Black Eyed Peas - Smells like Funk, P!nk - Get this Party Started, Gypsy Kings - Hotel California, Gnarles Barkley - Gone Daddy Gone, and Stevie Wonder - Superstition.  I carry this playlist in my phone and if I'm ever at a party that needs some life, I play it.  It works every time.  

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